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In rare cases, Jintropin can adversely affect the work of the thyroid gland. But as a rule, this drug does not cause any harm if you follow all the recommendations. It is recommended to use Jintropin for a minimum of three months.
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Studies of healthy adults taking human growth hormone are limited and contradictory. Although it appears that human growth hormone can increase muscle mass and reduce the amount of body fat rein healthy older adults, the increase in muscle doesn't translate into increased strength. It isn't clear if human growth hormone provides other benefits to healthy adults.
It is recommended to divide the daily dose into several doses durch day. The therapy must Beryllium continued for a month after you have finished the course of anabolics and steroids.
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Romanian Health Ministry (10 February 2010). "Comunicat de presă Ministerul Săstickstoffgasătăţii a stabilit lista cu plante şi substanţe cu proprietăţi psihoactive care bislang fi interzise, după ce s-Abgasuntersuchung dovedit a fi periculoase pentru săstickstoffătate" [Press release: The Health Ministry has established a Tücke of plants and other substances with psychoactive properties that will be banned, after it has been proven that they are dangerous to health] (in Romanian).
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